The SPM1
Purpose and Concept
“Simple Magnetised Torus” Compact demonstration device
Fully self contained within a 90 x 90 x 160 cm envelop, easily transportable and suitable for public demonstration.
Low temperature plasma (1 to 5 ev) demonstrating the effect of magnetic fields on plasma shape, position and emission spectrum.
Toroidal, Poloidal and Solenoid Coils with independent low voltage power supplies
Continuous operation, safe enough to demonstrate to public.
Glow discharge plasma operation.
Spectrometer and basic plasma diagnostics
Modular, Upgradeable performance to suit post graduate teaching and research . E x B, J x B, Cross field, Plasma Instability demonstrations.
Major Radius 23 cm Minor Radius 7.5 cm
8 TF Coils each with independent power supplies
Toroidal field of up to 0.025 T continuous. Up to 0.1T pulsed.
4 Poloidal field coils , each with independent control.
Low voltage Solenoid coil with AC and DC drive
Glow discharge plasma operation using variable HV and RF sources in N2 or He
Cameras with Vision based tracking of plasma position and shape
UV - VIS Spectrometer , Langmuir probe, Hall effect Magnetometer
Laser diagnostics port

SPM1 Simple Magnetised Torus
Complete system, compact, portable , runs off a single mains supply
Glow discharge with time varying TF field